Soon after the U.S. Secretary of Defense claimed that Putin was just
bluffing about using nuclear weapons, Russia sent a ballistic missile into
Ukraine. This strike went undetected and took only 5 minutes to reach its
destination. It rained down a total of 36 warheads, sending a clear warning
that the next time may include nuclear materials. Putin made it known that
there is nothing that could stop these missiles and that they could strike
any European capital within 18 minutes. There is now an eerie silence from
the U.S. War Department.
Is the world on the brink of another World War? God has warned in His
Holy Word that because of mankind’s wickedness, He would give us leaders
with reprobate minds. Have we reached that moment in time?
While the Ukrainian War escalates, America will be celebrating
Thanksgiving. Did you know that this special holiday has its roots in one of
God’s sacred Holy Days? You won’t want to miss this week’s program as we
share inspiring stories and look to the pages of your Bible for the
understanding needed for the times ahead.
Thank you for your prayers and support in helping us share the gospel of
the soon-coming kingdom of God and the only answer to the problems facing
this troubled world. We pray everyone has a safe and blessed Thanksgiving. |