Sermon Messages
Click here for our Video Series Page
9th of AV - Day of Sorrow
Given by Tom Kerry
Sealing the Elect - The Former and the Latter

A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
The Seal of Revelation
"Have They Begun?"
Given by Tom Kerry
2022 Year In Review
Given by Tom Kerry
2023 A Year In Transition
Given by Tom Kerry
         The Shall Bring You Before Magistrates
Given by Tom Kerry
Wake Up America
Given by Tom Kerry
2022 – A Nation In Crisis
Given by Tom Kerry
Tammuz 17
And Sealing the Elect

Given by Tom Kerry
  Wars And Rumors of Wars
But the end is not yet

Given by Tom Kerry
1776 The Rebirth of Israel
A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
  Lessons from Jeremiah
“Prophet in Crisis”
Given by Tom Kerry
  Walking in the Footsteps of Jeremiah
Given by Tom Kerry
Wearing Out The Saints
Given by Tom Kerry
The Biblical Mystery of the Battle of New Orleans
Given by Tom Kerry
Racing to the
Mark of the Beast
Given by Tom Kerry
2 Years Into The Millennium
A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Bricks and Stones
“The Two Kingdoms”
Given by Tom Kerry
The Constitutional Christian
Given by Tom Kerry
Worthy To Escape
Given by Tom Kerry
  John the Baptist
Given by Tom Kerry
The Sword Stands Ready
Given by Tom Kerry

December 25th
Day of the Invincible Sun

Given by Tom Kerry
The Greatest Fraud Ever Perpetrated On Mankind
Given by Tom Kerry
  Mardi Gras
Given by Tom Kerry
  Least In The Kingdom
A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
No Place for Repentance
Given by Tom Kerry
The High Price of Denial
Given by Tom Kerry
Our Rolled Away Reproach
Given by Tom Kerry
The Missing Twelve Hours
Given by Tom Kerry
God’s Jump Off Point
Given by Tom Kerry
  The Strangest Little Book
in the Bible “Jonah”
Given by Tom Kerry
In The Midst of the Week
“Our Journey to the Mountain”
Given by Tom Kerry
Promises of the Father
Given by Tom Kerry
  As In The Days of Sodom
"Luke 17:26-30"

A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
The Watering Hole
Given by Tom Kerry
  The Parable of the Fig Tree
and Israel at 70
Given by Tom Kerry
  The Spirit of Excellence
Given by Tom Kerry
If You Hear His Voice
A 6 Part Series


Given by Tom Kerry
America and
the Good Samaritan

Given by Tom Kerry
America’s Last HU-UH

Given by Tom Kerry
The Wheat and the Tares
A 2 Part series
Given by Tom Kerry
America In Decline
A 4 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
The Exodus
A 9 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Rise of Evil
A 4 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry

Holy Roman Revival
A 3 Part Series

Given by Tom Kerry

A 3 Part Series on
Satan's Counterfeit Deception
Given by Tom Kerry
Has America Become
The Proverbial Frog
in the Boiling Pot
Given by Tom Kerry
the Beast of Revelation
A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Exposing The Elect
"Satan's End Time Target"
A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
What is Happening to
Given by Tom Kerry
May 2021
Pentecost 2021
Given by Tom Kerry
Keep Your Fork
Given by Tom Kerry
The Prophets
Given by Tom Kerry
"King of Judah”
A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
The Four Chaplains
Given by Tom Kerry
Prophecy Timeline Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Pre War Normalization
A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Lessons From Lincoln
A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Breach of America’s Walls
Given by Tom Kerry
The Nation That Got
What It Asked For
A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
The Age of Lawlessness
Given by Tom Kerry
  The Choice
Egypt or Promise Land
Given by Tom Kerry
Is This How It Begins
Given by Tom Kerry
On the Edge of Eternity
A 4 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry