God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert
November 12th, 2021
NNI Update


News, Nuggets, and Insights


NNI Just One Week Away (God Willing) Nov 12, 2021
Greetings and Happy Sabbath to Everyone,

God willing this is the last week to bring you NNI in a written update only. We were actually ready to go this week, and I even had a program prepared and ready to go. (I’ll use most of it next week) But the scheduled repairs to the building due to the hurricane Sept. 29, and the replacement of the roofing tabs ran longer than they expected due to finding additional needed repairs. There was no way to put off the repairs in the middle of an exposed roof, so we were forced to hold off taping for one more week to finish the repairs.

On the reality side, I’m still on oxygen and the additional time will allow my wind, and voice to become stronger. I’ve requested a portable oxygenator to allow me more time at the church, but I’ve been denied being told it is too soon to be back to work. Thus, I’m forced to use the portable O2 tanks to work, but they are limited as to how long they last.

The doctors have a hard time understanding that we work at the speed and mercy of the Great Healer. I will in all likelihood be on oxygen for a few more weeks. When I first went home, I was told the COVID pneumonia illness I had requires a long time to overcome. They estimated it would be 2 to 3 months on oxygen. To some degree they appear to be correct. If I’m walking, or doing anything other than resting my oxygen drops into the mid to upper 80’s. But I’m getting better each day, and with each day I’m accomplishing more. Please continue to pray that my voice and wind will continue to be strengthened. It is truly frustrating to see so many things happening and be so limited to report them. It’s almost like God is giving us an advance revelation of what it will be like with the famine of the word.

I mentioned this before, but feel it is important to mention here. My case is not unique. There are many of God’s elect that have experienced similar stories and healing as I have. We need to continue to pray for all. Across the nation there are some who are still in the hospital, there are others who are home recovering through the long timeframe this COVID virus entails. And there are some families recovering from the loss of a loved one who passed away due to COVID and other illnesses.

We need to remember that the battle God has called us is only at the early stages. There will be many, many more battles. To win the fight we are in, is to hold fast until the end. For those who have passed, they have won their fight. Notice Rev 14:13 “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.”

None of us knows the time, the day or the hour, but it is certain when we look at Revelation and the various prophets, that there is much that will happen before our Great Healer, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns.

Thank you for your patience, your prayers, and your support during these past two months; it has meant more than you may know. I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week on News, Nuggets, and Insights.

Have a Blessed Sabbath and a great week.


From News, Nuggets and Insights
Veterans Day, November 6, 2020

Click on the image to view the Sermon





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