VETERANS DAY 85 years ago today, on the nights
of November 9th and 10th, Nazi leaders unleashed a series of attacks on the
Jewish population known as “Kristallnacht,” or the night of broken
glass. Synagogues, homes, and businesses were plundered. Nearly 100 Jews
were killed. In the aftermath, 30,000 Jewish men were shipped to
concentration camps. This was the beginning of an organized massacre, and it
was justified by many Germans. This week, NNI takes a
look at the rise of anti-Semitism across the entire world today. And just
like those who witnessed “Kristallnacht,” millions of people today,
feel that the eradication of Israel is justified. We look to God’s Holy Word
that sheds light on what is behind this rise of evil.
November 11th is Veterans Day and this week we pay a special tribute to
all of our veterans. Join us as we share some very inspiring videos that
honor all who have served this great nation. We also take a look back at the
special people chosen by God who gave all and are His veterans. Their
examples shine for us as we continue the fight, as we too are in the army of
God. Thank you for your prayers and support in helping us
continue with the commission in proclaiming the gospel. May God bless you
and protect you all as we move closer to the time that will usher in the
return of Christ.