God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert
October 17th, 2021

News, Nuggets, and Insights

Update From Tom Kerry


Greetings to all,

This is my first correspondence since returning from the Feast and my two week stay in the hospital. I’d like to begin by thanking everyone on behalf of Audrey and myself for their heartfelt prayers emails, calls and correspondences.

Fortunately, Audrey’s constitution and health was strong enough to maintain levels of oxygen in her system to keep her battle out of the hospital. My case became extremely serious as I eventually spent nine days in ICU. I was told that I came within one day from potentially losing the battle. It is humbling to come face to face with someone telling you that “this is the night, that you must fight as hard as you can, or you might not leave this hospital.” What I did not know was that the nursing staff, and in particular, one incredible nurse who gave me one of those “come to Jesus talks, or you are going to die;” and the Doctor had called Audrey to prepare her that nothing was working. Fortunately, God intervened that night, and four days later I was out of ICU.

The Church of God Community Ravished BY COVID

My story isn’t unique. It is a story being played out across the nation by many brethren and families from ‘ALL’ the churches of God communities. As I write, Myrna Chapman, wife of our minister Bruce Chapman is in an induced Coma to help her with her fight with COVID. Her battle is critical; please pray for her and the Chapman family. Additionally, there are many other brethren across the nation, and around the world who are in their life and death fight for survival. Our prayers for one another, for God’s intervention and the healing power of our great Healer, Jesus Christ needs to be the cornerstone for the church at this moment of time. Without Him, there will be no future.

As I laid in ICU, I had my cell phone to stay in touch through Audrey what was going on in the church. Even though I couldn’t really communicate vocally very well, I was able through texting to keep in touch. I don’t think a day went by that I was informed that another brother had entered the hospital, or that an entire congregation was infected. Most of the Feast sites from all the different churches had some degree of COVID that infected their members. I do not believe for a moment that Satan is finished striving to destroy the Work of God. In fact the Bible clearly states, that his goal is to destroy the church. I believe that we may be at the very beginning of the end time scenarios that will come upon all the world before the return of Jesus Christ. I also believe that all of you feel the same.

There is much I want to say, and God willing, He will grant me opportunity in the weeks and months ahead. But for today, I wanted use this opportunity to express Audrey’s and my deep felt appreciation for your love and prayers, for our healing, and for the work in which God has blessed us to be a part.
Presently, I’m on oxygen, but my head and my thoughts are clear. It is time to get back to work. God willing I’ll be able to begin production of NNI in the next week or two.

I want to close an article below I read from the NY Times. The writer gave an excellent piece on her thoughts about COVID. What she didn’t realize was, that her thoughts as clearly stated as they were, were prophetic. Notice Deut. 28:21 “The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou go to possess it.”

Until next time, blessings to all of you,

With love and appreciation,


By Gina Kolata
The skeletons move across a barren landscape toward the few helpless and terrified people still living. The scene, imagined in a mid-16th-century painting, “The Triumph of Death” by Pieter Bruegel the
Elder, illuminated the psychic impact of the bubonic plague.
It was a terror that lingered even as the disease receded, historians say.
Covid-19’s waves of destruction have inflicted their own kind of despair on humanity in the 21st century, leaving many to wonder when the pandemic will end.
“We tend to think of pandemics and epidemics as episodic,” said Allan Brandt, a historian of science and medicine at Harvard University. “But we are living in the Covid-19 era, not the Covid-19 crisis. There will be a lot of changes that are substantial and persistent. We won’t look back and say, ‘That was a terrible time, but it’s over.’ We will be dealing with many of the ramifications of Covid-19 for decades, for decades.”
Especially in the months before the Delta variant became dominant, the pandemic seemed like it should be nearly over.
“When the vaccines first came out, and we started getting shots in our own arms, so many of us felt physically and emotionally transformed,” said Dr. Jeremy Greene, a historian of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “We had a willful desire to translate that as, ‘The pandemic has ended for me.’”
He added, “It was a willful delusion.”
And that is a lesson from history that is often forgotten, Frank Snowden, a historian of medicine at Yale University, said: how difficult it is to declare that a pandemic has ended.
• Dig deeper into the moment.
It may not be over even when physical disease, measured in illness and mortality, has greatly subsided. It may continue as the economy recovers and life returns to a semblance of normality. The lingering psychological shock of having lived in prolonged fear of severe illness, isolation and painful death takes long to fade.

Red Cross workers in Chicago constructing face masks during the influenza pandemic in 1918.
Credit...Chicago History Museum, via Getty Images
Some diseases, like the 1918 flu, receded. Others, like the bubonic plague, remained, smoldering. H.I.V. is still with us, but with drugs to prevent and treat it. In each case, the trauma for those affected persisted long after the imminent threat of infection and death had ebbed.
If nothing else, the Covid-19 virus has humbled experts who once confidently predicted its course, disregarding the lessons of history.
“What we are living through now is a new cycle of collective dismay,” Dr. Greene said — a dismay that has grown out of frustration with the inability to control the virus, fury of the vaccinated at those who refuse to get the shots and a disillusionment that astoundingly effective vaccines haven’t yet returned life to normal.
No matter when or how pandemics dwindle, they change people’s sense of time.
“A pandemic like Covid-19 is a breach of the progressive narrative,” that medicine is advancing and diseases are being conquered, Dr. Greene said.
As the pandemic drags on, days merge into each other as time seems to blur and slow down with no forward momentum.
An 1898 cartoon in Punch magazine favored the Vaccination Act, which required smallpox inoculation in Britain. Credit...Historical Images Archive/Alamy
Edward Jenner, the English physician who discovered the first vaccine for smallpox.
From “The Gallery of Portraits” by Charles Knight, 1837.Credit...World History Archive/Alamy
In past pandemics, as today, strong anti-science movements hindered public health and the waning of disease.
As soon as Edward Jenner introduced the first smallpox vaccine in 1798, posters appeared in England showing humans who had been vaccinated “sprouting horns and hooves,” Dr. Snowden said.
“In 19th-century Britain, the largest single movement was the anti-vaccine movement,” he added. And with vaccine resisters holding out, diseases that should have been tamed persisted.
But the difference between vaccine skeptics and pandemic misinformation then and now, historians said, is the rise of social media, which amplifies debates and falsehoods in a truly new way.
With H.I.V., Dr. Brandt said, “there were conspiracy theories and a lot of misinformation, but it never had a broadcast system like Covid-19.”
Other pandemics, like this one, were hobbled by what Dr. Snowden calls “overweening hubris,” prideful certainties from experts that add to the frustrations of understanding how and when it will dwindle away.
With COVID, prominent experts declared at first that masks did not help prevent infection, only to reverse themselves later. Epidemiologists confidently published models of how the pandemic would progress and what it would take to reach herd immunity, only to be proved wrong. Investigators said the virus was transmitted on surfaces, then later said that, no, it was spread through tiny droplets in the air. They said the virus was unlikely to transform in a substantial way, then warned of the Delta variant’s greater transmissibility.
“We paid a heavy price for that,” Dr. Snowden said. Many people lost trust in officials amid ever-changing directives and strategies that weakened the effort to control the virus.
Jonathan Moreno, a historian of science and medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, said the end of COVID would be analogous to a cancer that has gone into remission — still there, but not as deadly.
“You are never cured,” he said. “It is always in the background.”


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