“NEWS, NUGGETS, AND INSIGHTS”This Monday, May 28th,
America will honor its fallen heroes. Many will have barbeques and family
gatherings, many will attend celebrations: but many Americans have lost the
impact of the meaning of this special day set aside for the fallen American
veterans. It is called, “Memorial Day".
This week’s program also keeps us posted on some very important news that
is extremely significant in light of bible prophecy. The Pope has made a
monumental statement concerning homosexuality. Find out exactly what he
said. Discover how the groundwork laid back in 2013 at a news conference by
this Pope, ties into an evil agenda. Tom Kerry gives a powerful message with
authority of scripture, concerning this alarming mindset of the leader of
the most powerful religious organization on the face of the earth. What does
it mean for God’s people?
Another report coming out of Sweden has once again put the attack of
Christianity on our radar this week. Christians in Sweden are very upset at
a new ruling against what their churches are forbidden to do, but what
mosques are allowed to do. All of this is in the name of immigration. There
is a theme taking hold of the world’s societies that, at its root, is
persecuting anyone attempting to worship Jesus Christ.
We hope you are inspired with this special presentation that reflects on
the significance of Memorial Day. Just how did this day come to be
and why is it so significant to every citizen of this great nation? Join us
as Tom Kerry shows how God has set aside a chapter in scripture for His
fallen chosen ones. There is a theme God uses for those He has called.
(Psalms 116:15) says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of
His saints.”
Having just come through the Feast of First fruits ,we understand that we
must all be looking forward to our promise. Next week, we are excited to
begin a study on our calling and an in-depth look at that promise.
Thank you for your prayers, your love, and your support. Please remember
those who gave all for the freedoms we still have. From “God’s Unchanging
Word,” God bless each of you and have a safe and meaningful Memorial
Day Weekend!