This year, Memorial Day falls on May 27th and this week, we at
God’s Unchanging Word pay tribute to the fallen who have paid the
ultimate sacrifice for America. We also shed light on God’s fallen and the
tribute He paid to those who died in the line of duty following Jesus
There’s more to the recent tensions between the U.S. and China than meets
the eye as the trade war continues to escalate. As everyone focuses on the
negotiations, God’s people need to be aware of the biblical implications as
we see China aligning with Russia. Once again we hear the term “sea,” as
China proclaims it is not a little pond but a “sea.” Find out exactly what
is happening behind the scenes in this week’s “News, Nuggets, and
As God’s people continue to count down to Pentecost, we take this week’s
nuggets portion of our program to study what God’s Word reveals about the
“Jubilee.” Tom Kerry charts out God’s timeline as laid out in scripture and
explains what he calls the “chapter of sevens” in Leviticus 25. This insight
brings the whole plan of God into perspective and brings understanding that
highlights the magnitude of what God has in store for those that love Him.
This week in the mail are the DVDs “Integrity – Pt 2” by Tom Kerry
and “All We Want to Be” by Chuck Hunt, Jr.
We at God’s Unchanging Word look forward to next week’s program as we
continue our study on the Jubilee and other significant events. Thank you
for your prayers, encouragement and support as we strive to carry out the
commission that Christ has given to His called out ones; and that includes
you. Please forward these messages and materials to others as we go forward.