We begin this week’s “News, Nuggets, and Insights” with
news that is humorous, but as Christians, we should take it very serious. In
a topsy-turvy society in which we live, it shouldn’t surprise us that
influential people are attacking Christian values in the strangest ways. You
won’t believe the stories; but then again, you probably will. And just to
whet your appetite, in the scope of the latest “California” dreamn’ , Los
Angeles is painting their streets white. Find out why.
Things are happening so fast that it seems like as soon as we report on a
major event, another event, just as significant, seizes attention of the
world and the previous event fades into old news. Brethren, we are living in
fast and furious times. Join us as we discuss the escalating situation in
Syria. The US, along with Britain and France, have launched missiles
destroying Syrian chemical facilities. What does it mean and what can we
expect in the future?
Remember the famous phrase from the 90’s, “It’s the economy stupid!”?
Well, it truly is the economy and on a worldwide scale, with
the prospect of Trade Wars! Find out just “who is in the driver’s seat?” The
economic situation of the entire world will probably be the greatest
catalyst to shake the superpowers in ways we haven’t seen in modern times.
How does this all relate to biblical warnings and what might we expect to
see in America and other nations?
Countdown to Pentecost! This week we are making available online,
PRINTABLE CHARTS! You can print them and follow the timelines while
watching Tom Kerry explain the crucial timing of the “Feast of Weeks,”
revealing how this special Holy Day plays a significant role in God’s plan
for mankind.
The brethren in the Syracuse, Indiana area are planning a wonderful
Pentecost Weekend and are inviting anyone who wishes to attend. There will
be activities such as seminars, Bible Studies and games. As always, the
brethren will provide lots of good food and fellowship. The location is:
304 West Main Street, Syracuse, IN 46567. Pastor Steve Councell has made
arrangements with local hotels for special pricing for the brethren. For
information, please contact Steve Councell at (269) 445-7943 or email him
Next week, we will continue our countdown to Pentecost and bring you the
latest events which affect God’s people everywhere. Thank you for your love
and support as we continue to watch as Christ commanded. Please be sure to
share this email and all materials provided with others to help spread the
information which is too often taken for granted. Today’s news may be
tomorrow’s prophetic fulfillment!