“News, Nuggets, and Insights” continues its coverage of events
going on in Syria. Recently reports have been coming out that dozens of
people had died in an apparent chemical attack on a besieged enclave near
Damascus by the Syrian government in an attempt to recapture the last rebel
strongholds near the capital. Bible students everywhere know that Damascus
is a focal point in end time prophecy. We at God’s Unchanging Word
have Syria on our radar and this week we bring you up to date on the
all-important events happening, including the Israeli strike on Syria.
As God’s people march through the Feast of Weeks, Israel contends with
the Palestinian “March of Return.” The news might cover this situation, but
they do not understand the significance of it. This week’s program explains
the importance of the truth going on right now in Jerusalem.
Everyone who watches the news knows that trade wars have been in the
headlines for months. This week, Tom Kerry takes a close look at trade wars
of the past and a pattern that just may be occurring today. Just how
important is this? This edition of “News, Nuggets, and Insights”
expounds on scriptures that warn the nations of what happens when they
ignore the commands of Almighty God.
We also continue the study of the Feast of Weeks. We are counting
to 50 to the day of Pentecost (50th). Nominal Christianity does not
understand the Feast of Weeks, although they do recognize Pentecost. Find
out the important facts about this beautiful and meaningful Holy Day that
clears up many misunderstandings.
We look forward to next week’s program and as always, thank you for
making this work possible. Please continue to share this email and all
materials offered with others. As we can see, with rumors of wars and other
devastating things happening, this world is on the verge of extinction; but
we have good news and that’s why we march towards God’s Kingdom!