“News, Nuggets, and Insights” has been keeping the ‘silencing of
the right conservative,’ on the radar and it seems there is an even stronger
push to silence Christianity. This week’s program highlights the attack on
those who simply state the truth about the biological aspect of
transgenderism. With the push for use of science, why are those who
acknowledge the science of biology being silenced? What may be even more
concerning is the growing number of faith leaders who are complying with the
LGBTQ agenda.
Last week, “News, Nuggets, and Insights” began taking a close look
at the recent executive orders signed by President Biden. This week we
evaluate the affects that many of these orders will have on the economy.
While climate change has taken priority in this new administration,
thousands of people are now out of work at the stroke of a pen. These
actions not only affect those who have lost employment, but it will affect
each American citizen as prices for gasoline, food, utilities, and other
essentials rise. As America turns from the principles of God, it seems our
leaders continue to make disastrous decisions for the nation whose Pledge of
Allegiance still claims to be a nation “under God.”
This week is coupled with Valentine’s Day and Mardi Gras, which leads us
into the “nuggets” portion of our program as we look into these pagan
holidays and how Satan has counterfeited God’s Holy Days. “News, Nuggets,
and Insights” presents some very insightful videos on the ancient
history of Valentine’s Day. We also take another look at the significance of
Mardi Gras and a little known holiday called Candlemas. Join us as Tom Kerry
expounds God’s holy word and what God sees when people observe these
holidays which are entrenched in the worship of false gods.
This week’s mailing includes the DVDs “Enduring Faith” by Steve
Coucell and “The Breach of America’s Walls” by Tom Kerry. Last week
we mailed out the February Newsletter containing the mail-in card for the
free DVD “Pre-War Normalization of America.”