“News, Nuggets, and Insights” takes a look around the globe and
focuses on just a few of the events that seem to be on the verge of
calamity. All eyes seem to be on the European country of Ukraine. Tension is
high over a Russian troop build-up close to Ukraine's borders. This could
draw all of Europe into a full-fledged war. The China-Taiwan situation is a
tinder box. The whole world is looking at a weakened America with a very
weak leader; and the U.S. adversaries are making strategic moves that will
only escalate. No doubt we are heading for tumultuous and prophetic times.
Gasoline prices, food prices and shortages aren’t the only things rising;
the US Debt is about to soar as never before and with it the US Economy will
continue its decline. That’s not very good news, but this week’s program
lays out the facts of an economic tsunami that will not only affect America,
but the world. In the past, such economic crashes have led to war; will this
be what we may soon face? Amos 3:7 says that “Surely the Lord God will do
nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” But
how does God do this? Join us as Tom Kerry brings understanding about this
verse and how the economy and the decline in society as a whole, parallels
events in ancient Israel and today; all leading to an end-time scenario.
The upcoming Valentine’s Day, leads us into the “nuggets” portion of our
program as we look into the pagan holidays and how Satan has counterfeited
God’s Holy Days. “News, Nuggets, and Insights” presents some very insightful
videos on the ancient history of Valentine’s Day. We also shed light on a
little known holiday called Candlemas. Join us as Tom Kerry expounds
God’s holy word and what God sees when people observe these holidays which
are entrenched in the worship of false gods.
This week’s mailing includes the DVDs “Repairing the Breach” by
Tom Kerry and “NNI – January 21, 2022”. Last week we mailed out the
February Newsletter containing the mail-in card for the free DVD “The
Biblical Mystery of the Battle of New Orleans.”
As always, thank you for your continued prayers and support. Please keep
everyone in your prayers as many are facing very troubling times. Though the
world is on the brink of dark times, we have the wonderful knowledge and
understanding of God’s love and plan. Keep the faith brethren and thank you
for sharing this email and materials with others.