Lately the mainstream news is focusing on
politics and COVID-19. This week’s “News, Nuggets, and Insights”
shares footage of alarming events worldwide and a map of global unrest. One
such important story comes from Kazakhastan, a country that borders Russian
and China.
Protests over gas prices began January 2 and spread throughout the
country becoming riots. So far 160 deaths and 5,000 arrests have been
confirmed. Russian paratroopers have been sent to Kazakhstan at the request
of its president to help "stabilize" the country. While America’s
constitution is being breached and trampled by a power hungry leftist party,
the rest of the world has its own turmoil. We need to watch as the big
players are taking advantage strategically.
COVID-19 has been the excuse for the U.S. government to gain more and
more control over the lives of its citizens. This week’s program exposes
what the government is doing in the name of national health security. You
won’t believe the proposals that are on the tables and laws being passed in
major cities that are giving authority to its own “police power” to lock
people up in conjunction with the Board of Health.
The Big Easy is gearing up for the “greatest show on earth,” Mardi
Gras; and Twelfth Night marks the beginning of Carnival season in
New Orleans. The word Mardi Gras means “Fat Tuesday” and as we take another
look at this big carnival event, we see how Satan has intricately tied it
into his plan of deception, totally perverting God’s plan for salvation.
Thank you for your prayers and support for our members who went to
Florida last weekend for “The Renewal” event. They all made it home
safe and shared their enthusiasm saying that it was a big success for us.
Many people visited our booths, had wonderful conversation with our members,
and appreciated the DVDs and materials they were given to take home. Please
pray that their efforts bring forth fruit. Truly, the harvest is plentiful!
Thank you for your prayers and support in helping us produce the outreach
needed to do our part in warning people of the deception most are under. We
pray that people will “wake up” and seek God while He may be found and see
the glorious future He has prepared for those who love Him.