Special Sermons
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The Next Great Step in Biblical Fulfillment

What if you are able to find in the Scriptures somewhere you can divine where God's will begin to His next step to Biblical Fulfillment. Are we in the time where we just seen the next step. Where was it the God started to displace Himself for the United States. Things have been happening in the United States very slowly over a number of years. Our destiny does not come about by chance. God has is hand into it that He allows humans to make the chooses themselves. Most of the major changes to the United States that have caused this change was done on the spur of the monument. And was not thought out and prayed upon. And most of the changes went against God's Laws and principals.

Children of Disobedience

For every action their is a re-actions. But this doesn't always hold true when it comes to the principals of God. we live in a world that tells us doing evil is good. But the Scriptures tells us, "That every idol word or actions will be will betaken account of in God's Kingdom. Have we become Children of Disobedience to God and His Laws.

Hold Until Relieved

Hold Until Relieved - Just before the D-Day Invasion, Maj. John Howard with the British army dropped behind enemy lines via a gliders.  He was given an one order, take the bridge and "Hold Until Relieved".  God gives us the same instruction.  To take what He teaches us and Hold Fast to the Truth until the end.  Here is this Sermon Mr. Kerry compares Maj. Howard's orders to what we should be doing today.

Voices of the Prophets

The Prophets were set apart to do the Work. In the New Testament most people believe that all the Prophets were already gone or died. But in Acts you see Paul and Barnabas to seek out the Elders and Prophets. If we look back at our own life we may see the time when God has called us. It makes us a called person by God. We are to go out and warn and make witness about the return of Christ. And Satan knows this, and will do what ever it takes to stop it. We are to listen to the Prophets and learn from them to be able to do the work God has given us.


Special Messages
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Traits of a Godly Woman
By: Jean Dionne

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