Since we will not be having a Labor Day News, Nuggets and Insights.  Here is a link for our Labor Day NNI for last year. CLICK HERE


We have added a new feature to our website.  A weekly email that is sent out each Friday morning.  It is called:

Here we will bring you News, Nuggets and Insights about the church and projects we are working on for both God's Unchanging  Word and The Church of God, Ministries International.  Also information about current New related items that will effect you, your family and the church.

News, Nuggets and Insights Archives

If you are not receiving our weekly emails, click on the image in the upper right or the link below and sign up.  We do not collect any private information or ask any questions.  All you need to do is click on the image or link, enter your email address and that is it.  We will not share your email.

Sign up for  News, Nuggets and Insights email

Live Sabbath Service Broadcast
(Click on the Image Below)

We are pleased to be able to offer our Brethren and Visitors weekly LIVE Sabbath Services.  We will be broadcasting for 2 different locations.  From our Gretna location (Church Headquarters) on the First Sabbath of each month and the remainder of the weekly Sabbaths from Michigan and Indiana locations.

Prophecy Timeline Series
(Over 60 hours of Bible Studies)

Click on the image above to
to view the Prophecy Timeline Series

Has God already revealed what Satan knows and we have missed? You'll find the answers to these and many, many more questions through these 49 sermon messages delivered over the past four years.  They are part of a powerful comprehensive PROPHECY TIMELINE SERIES for out day.

Click on the Image to watch
The Constitutional Christian
and to Order Your Very Own Copy

God’s Unchanging Word is working hard to bring to the public, “The Constitutional Christian.” Our latest production is still in the works, but we are happy to share with you an excerpt of one of our special guests, Governor Mike Huckabee. What he discusses in this clip is strikingly pertinent to what we have just seen on the news earlier this week; a fruit of what the world is now reaping, TERROR! (Lev. 26:16) “I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror..”

Join us as we present Governor Huckabee’s clear explanation of what is going on in our world today because of our disobedience to God. As he says, “sin is sin. It is the transgression of God’s law.” These past few “News, Nuggets, and Insights” seem to have been inspired to coincide with current events that only magnify the urgency to “cry aloud and spare not!”

We can easily relate to the time spoken of in the book of Judges “when every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” But what this sick world needs to understand is that we must do what is right in “God’s eyes.”

As such tragic events happen, the world needs to hear a message not only of warning, but of hope. The ONLY true hope we have is the return of Jesus Christ! Thank you for helping us at The Church of God, Ministries Int’l to offer that warning and hope to so many who are, and will, be seeking answers as this world sinks further into chaos.

This week’s “News, Nuggets, and Insights” also shares a message of inspiration that we have pulled out of “the vault.” We hope you enjoy it and as always, we encourage you to pass along this email to others as we put forth all the effort we can to spread the good news of God’s soon coming kingdom!


A Brand New Series by Tom Kerry

Tom Kerry talks about what is going on in the country Post Election and what the Bible Says in Prophecy.

Click Here to Order Your FREE Copy of  this Series
Click Here to View, Download Part 1

We are excited to announce our new and possibly the most important project we have ever undertaken.” For many years we have striven to bring you inspirational PowerPoint sermons and Bible Study messages through DVD’s that visualize the Bible in ways that words alone are not able to convey.




A NEW 2 Part Series
Watch online by clicking on the images Above


Order your very own FREE 2 Part DVD Set
Click Here

A NEW 3 Part Series

Watch online by clicking on the images below


Order your very own FREE 3 Part DVD Set
Click Here


What is going on in America has become normal in America.  It is Total Lawless Running Wild.

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