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God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert, December 16th, 2016

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16th, 2016


News, Nuggets, and Insights


America Used to Be the Wealthiest Nation on Earth. We are Now One of the Greatest Debtor Nations in Modern Times.
How Did This Happen?

No matter how much the media and politicians spin the narrative on our nearly 20 Trillion Dollar DEBT, they cannot hide the real financial struggles under which the United States of America is crumbling. God says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
This week on “News, Nuggets, and Insights,” we present interesting facts that
reveal what the media nor the politicians will report.


God has truly blessed the United States of America with strong and God-fearing leaders. One of the last of those strong leaders was President Ronald Reagan. But under his leadership, America reached a debt that has never decreased. There has been a constant upward surge in our national debt which is reaching crisis status. Where will it end? Is there a solution?

To understand the crisis in which America and much of the world finds itself, we need to understand what factors caused this grave situation. Without the acknowledgement of God, a nation that has been blessed by Him will not only stop prospering, but will be cursed. God’s Unchanging Word has been presenting such a case to a world that is rapidly moving away from God. In this episode of “News, Nuggets, and Insights,” we provide some inspiring, yet sobering words from one of our most beloved presidents, Ronald Reagan.

America is still reaping blessings that were bestowed upon us by Almighty God, but as we move along in time, we are beginning to reap the harvest of our disobedience. We continue to ignore the warnings in the Holy Scriptures and even the warnings of our God-fearing forefathers. God promises us He will never forsake us, but if we turn from Him, we must come to see that without Him, we are “poor and needy.” (Heb. 13:5)

Hopefully, the nation that was so blessed will turn back to the God who blessed it. Most Christians can see that we are headed for some dire times and that the world in which we live is becoming darker. God’s Unchanging Word, along with the help of God’s people everywhere, continues to preach and teach, and be a light amidst all that darkness. Even through the struggles, God has been blessing His people so that we can be that voice crying out to what is becoming a godless world. This week the theme of God being with us continues, ( I Kings 8:57 ) “May the Lord our God be with us as He was with our fathers; may He never leave us nor forsake us.” Please pass this email alert along to all those who might enjoy or benefit from the latest hard-hitting message from “News, Nuggets, and Insights.”



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“The Constitutional Christian.”

 Coming Soon!

Following the conclusion of the election next week we will resume production on our most important special to date. God has blessed us with two guests with name recognition that we hope will attract potential new people and introduce them to the valued prize of our calling.

The Constitutional Christian focuses three stages of America. First is to bring the reality of the importance of the blessings of the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Second, David Barton founder of Wall Builders, one the leading historians of America today takes us on the journey from the founding of our nation to our greatness due to our ties and obedience to God. And finally, the third part Governor Mike Huckabee takes us to the Fall of America as we remove God from our lives. It is a powerful story that America needs to hear.



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