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God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert, December 2nd, 2016

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9th, 2016


News, Nuggets, and Insights


The U.S. Debt is rising at an alarming rate. It is nearing 20 TRILLION Dollars! What does this mean? How did America put itself under such an unsustainable burden? Are we, as a nation, being cursed?
If so, why?

Surely we are living in uncertain times. The world is facing terror attacks, financial collapses, and changes in many political arenas. What does all of this have to do with God and His people? This week on “News, Nuggets and Insights,” God’s Unchanging Word focuses on one particular albatross over America’s head, the National Debt!

As we watch the stock market rise, the National Debt is skyrocketing. Most Americans pay no attention to what is happening, but it will enormously affect everyone, and it paints a bleak future for the next generation. Of the 3.9 Trillion spent this year, we spent 2 Trillion just on Health Care & Medicaid alone. Why is the issue of HEALTH such an enormous portion of the Debt? Find out why our beloved country, so blessed by God, is bringing curses upon itself. Deut. 28 gives specific guidelines for national prosperity. Obviously, America is not following those guidelines.

God’s people have a responsibility to warn the nation of the consequences it will incur if it does not obey God. This episode of “News, Nuggets, and Insights,” gives eye-opening facts and figures, along with charts, to drive home the reality that we better begin listening to scripture. We are reaping what we sow, and it will only get worse.

As the world faces such insurmountable problems, God has been blessing His people and giving us great rewards for continuing to do as He instructed; to preach and teach. We have good news to share with you this week, so be sure to tune in and enjoy our latest presentation of “News, Nuggets, and Insights.” Pass this email alert along to family and friends, and to those who might find it helpful and inspiring. We all who share in spreading the gospel, are also reaping what we sow. We are thankful for all the blessings, and are excited in sharing them with God’s people everywhere. It is truly, a labor of love.


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Click the image above to view the  Trailer
“The Constitutional Christian.”

 Coming Soon!

Following the conclusion of the election next week we will resume production on our most important special to date. God has blessed us with two guests with name recognition that we hope will attract potential new people and introduce them to the valued prize of our calling.

The Constitutional Christian focuses three stages of America. First is to bring the reality of the importance of the blessings of the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Second, David Barton founder of Wall Builders, one the leading historians of America today takes us on the journey from the founding of our nation to our greatness due to our ties and obedience to God. And finally, the third part Governor Mike Huckabee takes us to the Fall of America as we remove God from our lives. It is a powerful story that America needs to hear.



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