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February 24th, 2017


News, Nuggets, and Insights


While Many Christians Feel
that God Answered Their Prayers
at Very Crucial Time in America’s History,
We Are Witnessing
A Rise In Evil, a Rise in Lawlessness, and a Rise in Hatred.
Most Christians Know Exactly
Who it is Behind This Rise of Evil!

As Americans remain attentive to the events happening daily since the election, some may wonder where all of this political and sociological movements end. This week’s “News, Nuggets, and Insights” examines how these events are connected to the spiritual realm and where our society is headed.

The Supreme Court hung in the balance and after the election, many were able to take a deep breath, but not for long. It seems since the election, people have done nothing but attack any kind of inroads this new administration has tried to make in bettering the country. If God did answer the prayers to help America, Satan is striking back with a vengeance.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise, as well as anti-law, and anti-Christianity. People seem to have lost their moral compass to the point where they don’t know right from wrong. Truly we must test the spirits to know whether or not they are of God.

With all the ‘fake news’ that pours out of the media, we need to prove all things more than ever. Satan is out to deceive everyone, especially the children of God. Tom Kerry sheds light on the depth of this ongoing problem that our society is now facing. Find out just how important this ‘fake information’ really is, and the warnings that God has laid out in His Holy Word.


God’s Unchanging Word is happy to announce that Jehosaphat Part 1 is going out this Monday. The messages in the story of Jehosaphat are more timely than ever! We are already working on Part 2 and hope to have the last of the series finished and shipped in time for the upcoming Passover season.

Please continue to keep this work in your prayers. As this week’s episode reveals, when God blesses, Satan works harder than ever to destroy. We are truly blessed in the Church of God Ministries International, and are very thankful to everyone who has given us encouragement, feedback, and support. Please remember to share this email with everyone so they can be a part of this outreach. There is nothing more gratifying than knowing that together, we are all making a difference.



Click the image above to view
“The Constitutional Christian.”
and order your very own copy.

The Constitutional Christian focuses three stages of America. First is to bring the reality of the importance of the blessings of the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Second, David Barton founder of Wall Builders, one the leading historians of America today, takes us on the journey from the founding of our nation to our greatness due to our ties and obedience to God. And finally, the third part, Governor Mike Huckabee takes us to the Fall of America as we remove God from our lives. It is a powerful story that America needs to hear.


Another NEW 3 Part Series

Click on the image above to Order your copy TODAY


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