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January 27th, 2017


News, Nuggets, and Insights


“A REFRESHING BOLDNESS” is the sentiment that Tom Kerry uses today to describe a mutual feeling throughout over half of the population in America. Within this same mix of millions are the scattered few, true people of God who sense a likewise, likeminded confidence. Many who have endured so many decades in God’s True Church know full well what “politics-as-usual” can do to destroy an organization when human nature overcomes our godly nature. As we watched the excitement mixed with tears of joy in the faces of people throughout the inauguration weekend last week, God’s people have a renewed zeal. Now, more than ever before, we can boldly speak out with, not only our continued message of warning to our nation, but go beyond to an entire world in whose peoples are ready and in need of the message of hope!

As in many previous messages from God’s Unchanging Word, the warning message has always underlined the need for “repentance.” The word defined simply means to “change.” Yet this change drives into the spiritual aspect; a direction from an evil and deceitful mindset to a way of living designed by God. Change is needed. And this week we witnessed a type of change underway so desperately needed in our corrupt leadership.

In the transfer of power to America’s new leader, President Donald J. Trump took the oath of office as the entire world watched and witnessed via today’s modern technology in real time. Whatever “change” this means within the nations of the world, good or bad, their headlines reflect the personal character of a man who does not play “politics-as-usual.” They know, as the European Union puts it, there is “a New Sherriff in town.” We also know that without God we can do nothing. We learned through the prophet Daniel, that “God removes kings, and sets up kings: He gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding” (Daniel 2:21)

God is Still in Control!

His “unseen hand” has been with His people from the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; to their journey out of ancient Egypt; through their demise in the kingdoms of ancient Israel and Judah; to their loss of identity across the continent of Europe; and even now in these United States of America whose founders based their Independence and our Constitution on the “unchanging” word of God and His principles. If history is to be our guide, we also know that with godly leadership, God has always fulfilled His promise of prosperity and protection.

New on the Web Site This Week

This week we are offering Chapter Three of the Five Part series, “Today, If You Hear His Voice,” and entitled appropriately by Tom Kerry, “Your Calling.” Your continued endurance in the work of God adds to the admonition to “make your calling and election sure.” To respond to God’s calling was your first righteous choice. More importantly, your prayers are being heard.

As the entire world has its spotlights on America once again, we, too, are in the spotlight with the commission Jesus Christ of Nazareth gave us two thousand years ago. If God chooses to grant our prayers for His purpose, He will!




Click the image above to view the  Trailer
“The Constitutional Christian.” and order your very own copy.

The Constitutional Christian focuses three stages of America. First is to bring the reality of the importance of the blessings of the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Second, David Barton founder of Wall Builders, one the leading historians of America today, takes us on the journey from the founding of our nation to our greatness due to our ties and obedience to God. And finally, the third part, Governor Mike Huckabee takes us to the Fall of America as we remove God from our lives. It is a powerful story that America needs to hear.


Also available today, part 3 of our "If You Hear His Voice Series"
Click on the image below to watch.


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