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God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert, September 30th., 2016

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September 30
th., 2016


News, Nuggets, and Insights
Feast of Trumpets

Feast of Trumpets Sermon
"From These Stones"

The Significance of The Feast of Trumpets and Preparing for that Very Event
God’s Holy Days are fast approaching and God’s Unchanging Word wants to offer “meat in due season.” The first upcoming Holy Day is the Feast of Trumpets. This year Trumpets falls on October 3rd (Monday) beginning at sunset Sunday, October 2nd. According to the Hebrew Calendar it begins on the 1st of Tishrei.

All of God’s Holy Days are rich and full of meaning. What is the significance of the Feast of Trumpets? Many Christians understand that this Holy Day points to the return of Jesus Christ and indeed a warning of His return. It is a warning and also a shout of hope for this sick society that is on the verge of utter destruction.

John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord. But did you know that there is a ‘lost’ history lesson found in scripture that is there waiting to be ‘found?’ In the sermon, “From These Stones,” we search the scriptures to find out just what was meant from John’s statement to the Pharisees and the Sadducees,(Matt.3:9) “And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.” Most understand that God surely could use a stone if He wanted to do so, but what is the deeper meaning of this statement?

John was preparing, just as God’s church is preparing today. Trumpets announces the coming of the Lord. Learn more about the use of “stones” in the Bible. Did you know there was a “place of preparation?” Travel with Tom Kerry as he takes us on a journey of understanding exactly how these stones play a vital role in John the Baptist’s commission to “prepare the way for the Lord” and the significance of the commission of God’s church today. This and much more all help us focus on the upcoming Holy Day of the Feast of Trumpets and the ultimate return of Jesus Christ!


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Feast of Tabernacles 2016

17 Days until the Feast

Get all your Feast of Tabernacles information on this link.

Remember we have 6 different sites within the United States along with Trinidad and Kenya.





Have you ever considered how much of the Bible we have stored in our memory banks that we acquired from our youth? Information that we were taught as a child in Bible school or passed along from our parents that they learned from their parents?

Click the image above to order your free DVD copy of
“The Next Declaration of Independence.”




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