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God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert, September 9th., 2016

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September 9
th., 2016

News, Nuggets, and Insights

Click of the image above to view our NEW Episode

“News, Nuggets, and Insights!” That’s the Tentative Title for our 10-15 Minute Spot episode. This Vehicle is Already Proving to be a Great Asset for “God’s Unchanging Word.”

As we mentioned last week, we were hoping to utilize our new short, spotlight episodes to keep everyone informed, enlightened, and inspired. With the latest news of the anointing of the High Priest in Israel and the New Ecumenical Gathering, this second episode of “News, Nuggets, and Insights” revisits this news and gives a taste of our latest work in progress, “The Constitutional Christian.”

We are very excited to report that our first major interview of the year was with a very high profile person. A man of integrity and genuineness that is rare in such a notable person on the world scene. He is well-known, well respected, and as we have found, a very genuine and humble man, Governor Mike Huckabee!

Governor Huckabee is the perfect fit for “The Constitutional Christian.” We hope you share in the excitement as “News, Nuggets and Insights” brings a glimpse of behind the scenes showcasing the message we are working hard to deliver to the world, just in time for the Feast of Tabernacles.

We are also very excited to announce that we will be going to Dallas to tape another high profile and very respected person in his field, Mr. David Barton. Mr. Barton is a leading historian who focuses on the founding of this great nation. He is the creator of the popular and informative site, WallBuilders. Mr. Barton is renown for his research and teachings that America was built upon the principles of God. Needless to say, Mr. Barton is also a perfect fit for our newest venture. Please pray for that taping to be a success and that we produce a quality documentary ready to air by the Feast. God has given us a great opportunity to get the message out to this nation.



Have you ever considered how much of the Bible we have stored in our memory banks that we acquired from our youth? Information that we were taught as a child in Bible school or passed along from our parents that they learned from their parents?

Click the image above to order your free DVD copy of
“The Next Declaration of Independence.”

Feast of Tabernacles 2016

Get all your Feast of Tabernacles information on this link.

Remember we have 6 different sites within the United States along with Trinidad and Kenya.

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