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God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert, September 2nd., 2016

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2nd., 2016

Sanhedrin Appoints High Priest


God’s Unchanging Word Presents a New Piece to the Program. We Will Be Adding 10-15 Minute Spot Episodes, Highlighting Various Subjects and Events in Light of God’s Word.

As God’s Unchanging Word continues to include a variety of outreach vehicles, such as sermon series, articles and information, it has now begun a vignette type of clip that will keep everyone interested, enlightened, and inspired. Although we haven’t arrived at an official name yet, we are happy to introduce this spotlight episode beginning this Friday.

Major events are unfolding before our eyes. But many important events are occurring and not getting a lot of media attention, especially events that may have to do with prophecy. While watching as Jesus commanded, it seems we get pieces of events that are very important in the light of Bible prophecy. One such event is the New Ecumenical Gathering which will take place in Jerusalem this September 4th through the 23rd. This gathering will comprise meetings of many faiths such as Christians, Jews, and Muslims with the goal of creating more unity with all religions. Find out why this is a very important piece of news for Christians today.

Many people have been keeping close watch on steps being made towards the building of a new temple in Jerusalem. When news spread that a High Priest was recently appointed, people were contacting one another with great excitement. The views of these events vary, but at least people do know that there are very significant things happening and we all need to be aware and strive to understand what the scriptures reveal.

Our very first spotlight episode, will shed understanding on these two events and brief everyone on an update of our recent work in progress, The Constitutional Christian. We are very excited about going forward and feel very blessed to share this good news with everyone. Hopefully, you will be inspired and excited as well.

Click of the image above to view our NEW Episode



Have you ever considered how much of the Bible we have stored in our memory banks that we acquired from our youth? Information that we were taught as a child in Bible school or passed along from our parents that they learned from their parents?

Click the image above to order your free DVD copy of
“The Next Declaration of Independence.”

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