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God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert, August 12th., 2016

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AUGUST 12th., 2016
America’s Last Hu-ah

America’s Last HU-AH (Hoo-Ra)


There is no doubt that the last two years have brought about drastic change for America and around the world. For Christians, much of this change is NOT good. Laws have been passed that have put Christian business owners and churches in harm’s way, and what’s even more profound was the ruling from the Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage. Have we reached a point of no return, or is America going to have one last HU-AH (Hoo-Ra)?

In Genesis 15:12-16, God tells Abraham of the future blessings He will bestow to his descendants. In these few scriptures, God indicates that He indeed will bless His people, but He will also remove those blessings when their sin has been filled. In other words, there is a penalty for our actions. It is obvious that America is on the decline and is disobedient to God. What we don’t know is how long God will allow us to keep our blessings. When will our sin be filled?

We may not know the answer to that question until it becomes obvious. The more important question might be,” WHY is God not removing those blessings yet?” Find out the answer to that question in this timely message concerning the state of affairs of America and how it affects Christians today. Search the scriptures to consider a very possible reason that God is holding back the imminent destruction of a nation blessed by our Father through the promises of Abraham.

God’s Church has a commission that must be the focal point of each Christian as they live and enter into more difficult times. This nation has to hear the message of that commission, and be told to REPENT! The churches of this world are not crying aloud that message. God has commanded that His servants are to “cry aloud and show my people their sins.” Is God giving us time so that His Church can once again bring this message boldly before the leaders of this nation?

If God grants America, one last HU-AH (Hoo-Ra), His people will play a big part in it. As it says in Luke 12:43, “It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns.” America’s Last HU-AH (Hoo-Ra)” raises questions and answers to help prepare us for our end time commission.




Have you ever considered how much of the Bible we have stored in our memory banks that we acquired from our youth? Information that we were taught as a child in Bible school or passed along from our parents that they learned from their parents?

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“The Next Declaration of Independence.”

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