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God's Unchanging Word eNews Alert, July 22nd., 2016

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AUGUST 5th., 2016
The Exodus Series
The Revelation of God’s Plan for Mankind

The Exodus – The Revelation of God’s Plan for Mankind Nine Full Chapters
"The Revelation of God’s Plan for Mankind"

In the Exodus series, we have re-created the timeline of major events bringing the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land. The parallels have been drawn between both Old and New Testament, giving deeper understanding of God’s plan for mankind. But what about events rarely considered?

During this series we have come to find that theologians have assumed certain things that were not true, such as the very important timing of the crossing of the Red Sea. By correcting that error, a true timeline has been constructed, fitting right into God’s calendar and Holy Days, which outline the plan God has for mankind.

Chapter Nine of the series brings to a conclusion, The Exodus – The Revelation of God’s Plan for Mankind. This final chapter proposes questions rarely asked. Find out why counting 50 is significant and how the “wave sheaf offering” relates to the removal of sin. What is the importance of the duality we see in the Exodus concerning the Spring and Fall Holy Days?
Search the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation in conjunction with this hard- hitting series. Discover God’s plan through researching God’s Word. See the richness and depth of meanings of events as they all fall into place. Find out why the Jubilee Year is crucial to understanding the culmination of the seven thousand year plan that was laid out from the foundation of the world. From the crossing of the sea to Mount Sinai, there is a story not told unless the duality of the New Testament and other scriptures are studied.

This last chapter of the series reveals the reason for many of the instructions God gave to the Israelites, such as the land rest. Find out why this and many other statutes given are important for Christians today. See why the millennial reign falls in line with God’s timeline constructed eons ago and how this event, along with others, gives a clear picture of God’s beautiful plan for all mankind.




Have you ever considered how much of the Bible we have stored in our memory banks that we acquired from our youth? Information that we were taught as a child in Bible school or passed along from our parents that they learned from their parents?

Click the image above to order your free DVD copy of
“The Next Declaration of Independence.”

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