The Greatest Fraud Ever
Perpetrated On Man

The Bible Says that the Serpent deceives the whole world

Yet, Few believe that, people simply go along with everyone else never questioning where they god their beliefs or where they came from.

Did you know,  that the customs of Palm Sunday never existed in the Bible? 

This is true, this custom was gradually incorporated in worship because of a misunderstanding of scripture. Over the centuries, it gradually became a part of worship in the Catholic Church.. Today we are seeing this come to pass

If a person is deceived, who would they know they are deceived? Did you know, the custom of Easter was celebrated nearly two thousand years before Christ?  

Most Christians believe that the worship of Easter began because of the death and crucifixion to Christ, not so; this DVD goes into detail of the origins of the custom.



Did you know, Christian worship used today was drafted in because of the indoctrination of the pagan worship when Rome tried to Christianize the pagan religions.

Most have no idea today that the custom of worship and going to church on Sunday was never approved by God. Easter, and Sunday worship is literally condemned. Read Ez. 8.

Did you know, the Bible Condemns the practice of worshiping days of man?

God is very clear to learn  not the ways of man or to partake of its ways
  Did you know the Bible also predicts this time of economic upheaval? 

The Bible talks about blessing and cursing. God warns us that unless we repent we will continue this economic slide until there is no hope.

Did you know, the Catholic church grafted into the worship of Christianity the pagan practice of Easter.

It is a matter of history, as well as a fact written in the Catholic Encyclopedia on the origin of worship



Did you know, that when Jesus Christ returns, He is literally going to put into place His Holy Days and Worship?

Yes.  Unfortunately this nation doesn’t want to hear that. But it is true.  Write for the new DVD on this subject of Fraud, it should be the most important information you will have ever heard.


If you would like to know the answers to these questions and much more, send today for your free DVD titled,
The Greatest Fraud Ever Perpetrated On Man

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